Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It was a dark and stormy night.

Well. It was. Really dark. Really Stormy.

JJ paged me late last night. It was an invitation to a party in a couple days.
At noon.

I replied. "Noon???"
(WHO has a party at noon, in the middle of the week?)

Maybe the page was just a booty call "test" page to see if I was up. To see if I'd reply. Because the next page wasn't about the party, it was "My car died. I'm stuck." - Remember the Dark and Stormy part?

I drove through enough "gloom of night" here to have halted postal delivery. Except there's no traffic that hour, so your mail would never be late, in theory. But by the time I arrived, JJ was home, safe and sound (no traffic for the taxi either). That's where I drove, to meet her at home. What was I there for? To take her to meet the tow when they arrived at her abandoned car. I think.

As it all turned out, the tow was cancelled due to the cost, and we just drove back to see if it looked like it was in an okay spot to leave the car over night. It was. Okay. I took her home.

Now, it's later than you are even imagining.
Way later. And the words I always WANT to hear, from just about ANY woman, at pretty much ANY hour, come floating to me through the night... "Do you want to come in?"

Honestly? It was a polite invitation to fuck. She is "that" kind of friend.
I do NOT think this was all a ruse. The car WAS dead, and on a marginal stretch of road.
And you will be disappointed to hear my answer was "it's late." (Think "near-sunrise" late)

But looking back, in hindsight, I wish I had said yes.
Are you searching the internet for the phrase "anal sex?" because we've done that before. It was even HER suggestion, not mine. And yes, I've fucked her in the ass on more than one occasion. It's not merely a little taboo experiment for us. Not any more.

The more I think through the timing, the more I wish we fucked. She owes me a few favors, maybe it would make her feel better about getting to repay me in a way she's sure I'll appreciate. That's what friends do, right?

Sigh. I went home. I got four hours sleep. Now I realize that's the worst time for me to wake up! I start to hit deep REM at four hours, and feel terrible if I have to get up then. So really, I'd feel BETTER right now if I had stayed another hour and fucked her, and THEN only slept three hours.

Why do I always realize the obvious like this, but not until it's too late?
I'll send her an IM.
Maybe she'll page again.

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